Monday, August 18, 2008

Prayers needed...Pass it on.

A sweet young couple, Christian and Stephanie Nielson, in are ward were recently in tragic plane crash this past Saturday. They are both in critical conditions, I believe at Maricopa County Burn Unit. Christian was said to have 30% of his body burned, but will hopfully recover in just weeks, while Stephanie was said to have 80% of her body burned and will hopfully recover in a few months. To view the news report go here:
Please help this sweet family with all your prayers. The power of prayer is so strong and bless us in every way.Christians instructor was also in the crash and passed away last night. Are thoughts and prayers are with his family as well.
Also If you would like to help donate to Christian and Stephanie to help pay for their medical bills and household bills while they recover you can visit Wells Fargo and donate to the Christian and Stephanie rehab fund. or there is a link on Stephanies sisters blog that you can donate to as well.


Busy Bee Lauren said...

I have been reading NieNie for about a year now. She is so inspiring and talented. I was so sad when I heard the news the other day :(

☂niki. said...

thank you for your support. i can just feel the love spreading. i heard the the break the fast was absolutely incredible. it is amazing, the power of prayer and fast, especially when it comes in such great numbers.

Merkley Jiating said...

Oh my goodness! I really hope they can get better.

Mikelle said...

I didn't know she was in your ward. I read her blog occasionally too, so I've already heard about the accident. So sad.

Mikelle said...

Totally off the subject of your post, but have you guys started school? What are your Labor Day plans?

jenn goodman said...

I was blog hopping on Ben and Sandi's blog. Your name sounded familiar so I wanted to see why ...

My mother-in-law is in your ward, Sharon Allen. She was telling me about that sweet couple in your ward who were involved in that plane crash. How sad!!

Our prayers are with them, their families and their children!

Thanks for posting this!

Jenn Allen